EAL-East Anglia League
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- EAL-East Anglia League
This is both an individual and inter-club competition in the East Anglia Orienteering Association (EAOA) area. There are six or seven league events held during the calendar year. Events at level B or good quality level C are suitable EAL fixtures.
Individuals compete against their peers in their particular age class for the year and trophies or momentoes are awarded to the winners in each age class from M/W10 to M/W80; men and women being scored separately.
Details of the scoring system, the age class course combinations and latest scores can be found on the EAOA website.
At the end of the year, the best scores for runners from each EAOA club (CUOC - Cambridge University, SOS - Essex Stragglers, HAVOC, NOR - Norfolk, SMOC - South Midlands, SUFFOC - Suffolk and WAOC - West Anglia) are added together and the club with the highest score wins the best club banner.
All SOS members qualify to take part in this league. No registration is required to join the league, you just run at one of the EAL events to be be eligible to score points.