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News headlines

British Orienteering Announces Air Commodore Rob Woods OBE as New Chair read more…

Opportunities to work with the British Squad read more…

Interland 2025: Team announcement read more…

Orienteering hits the stage! read more…

Introduction to Event Organising eLearning Course – goes live read more…

CompassSport Trophy Regional RoundEpping Forest, Sunday February 23rd.

Compass Sport logo

This is the national interclub championship. The competition is open to all Club members across all age categories and the more members that attend helps with the overall ranking. Put the event in your diary now.

Please let me know if you can be part of the team.


Lyn West

Wed 4 DecRead more…

SOS Club Championships 2024

Club Champion trophies

The 2024 SOS Club Championships was held at SUFFOC event at Tunstall on Sunday December 1st. The results are below.

Congratulations to Geraldine Russell who has regained her title of Club Champion with husband John in 2nd place narrowly ahead of Nick Pugh in 3rd place. Special mention to
defending Junior Champion, Lulu Gooding who finished in 4th place and also retained the title of Junior Club Champion with Alex Pugh in 2nd place. Well done to everyone.

The trophies will be presented at New Years Day Novelty.

Tue 3 DecRead more…

Sad announcement


It is with heavy hearts we announce the death of Charlie Partridge. You may have known them as Daisy.

Sun 6 OctRead more…

Annual General Meeting

The SOS Annual General Meeting will take place at 8:00pm on Monday 7thOctober at the White Hart, Newland Street, Witham, CM8 2AF
The AGM will be preceded with an Extraordinary General Meeting at 7.30pm to give club members an opportunity to express their views about the future running of the club.

Mon 16 SepRead more…

ESSOL medals now available

ESSOL Thomas Wood

The medals and trophies for Essex and Suffolk School Orienteering League are now available and can be collected from Enquiries at Hatfield Forest event on September 15th. The results are here

Thank you to Marc Owen for organising the purchase and engraving of the medals.

If you are not able to collect on 15th, contact Lyn West

Fri 13 SepRead more…

Results from Midland and East Anglian Orienteering ChampionshipsStragglers are champions

2024 all

In brilliant sunshine the event in Sandringham Royal Park on March 9th was host to both the Midland Championships and the East Anglian Championships. A good number of Stragglers made the trip to the north of the region to enjoy the glorious forest. 5 Stragglers were rewarded with 8 titles between them.

Wed 13 MarRead more…

Junior Team Qualify for Yvette Baker Final 2024Congratulations to the Junior Team for a Great Result!

The juniors that participated at Ickworth Park on the 21st April achieved a fantastic 499 points out of a maximum 500.

This result means that the Junior Team is eligible to enter the finals on 7th July 2024 at Northaw Prov, Potters Bar. The event to be hosted by Hertfordshire Orienteering Club (HH) on behalf of the South East Orienteering Association (SEOA).

Sun 10 MarRead more…

East Anglian League winners5 Stragglers win medals

EAL winners 2023

Medals were presented to the 2023 winners of East Anglian League (EAL) classes at the CompassSport heat at King's Forest on February 18th. Five members of the club topped their classes. Joshua Owen (M16), Roger Gooding (M45) Nicholas Pugh (M70), John Russell (M80), Geraldine Russell (W75). Congratulations to all of them.

Mon 19 FebRead more…

SOS Club Championships

The 2023 SOS Club Championships was held at HAVOC event at Wordwell on Sunday October 1st. The results are below.

Congratulations to Oliver Prince and Lulu Gooding who are Club Champions.

Fri 6 OctRead more…


Josh Lulu 2023 Schools Champs

Two SOS juniors achieved fantastic results at the recent East Anglian Schools' Championships.

Sun 1 OctRead more…

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