Essex Stragglers Orienteering Society (SOS)

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Maldon Urban (EAOUL and SEOUL)
Sunday 16th May 2021
Final Results

Course No.BOF Age ClassDescriptionDistance (km)
1MO (18+)Men's Open7.9
2WO (18+) / MV 40+Women's Open / Men's Veteran7.0
3MSV 55+ / WV 40+Men's Super Veteran / Women's Veteran5.9
4MUV 65+ / WSV 55+Men's Ultra Veteran / Women's Super Veteran4.8
5WUV 65+ / MHV 75+ / WHV 75+ Women's Ultra Veteran / Men's Hyper Veteran / Women's Hyper Veteran3.5
6MJ 16- / WJ 16-Men's Junior / Women's Junior3.1
7MYJ 12- / WYJ 12-Men's Young Junior / Women's Young Junior2.2
Comments Final Results

Planner: Colin West

Maldon is a lovely mix of built-up areas from across the ages and the Prom park. Inevitably there are a few dead runs to connect areas of interest, but minimising them is part of the planner’s role. With relatively short notice to move from lockdown into a full event, planning and organising felt a bit rushed. Many thanks to an often unsung hero in our mapper Kevin, who responded brilliantly in a period of high demand from mid-week events including one organised by him. The requirements of planner, controller and the unannounced arrival of a funfair needing to be mapped OOB were met with equanimity.

Having prospected the area in April, driest since Maldon was invented, some paths and slopes were more muddy and slippery than expected after a wet first half of May (including a downpour overnight before the event). One control in the urban area was trashed, fortunately after all runners had passed through. It was recovered from adjacent waste bins. Welcome to Maldon!

In general though we were indeed welcome to Maldon and appreciated being able to host this first event in the 16-race series of the South-east orienteering urban league (SEOUL).

Thanks to two close contributors, Michael as Controller with wise advice and observations, and Lyn as planner’s assistant.

Controller – Michael Bickle (WAOC)

Everybody I spoke to enjoyed Clive’s courses and the challenge of Maldon’s urban and parkland terrain. The controls were all in the correct place and everything ran smoothly on the day so there was little for me to do. Maybe leaving finalising the maps and printing to the day before the event is not good for the controller’s nerves but it does mean the correct number of maps can be printed.

FINAL Results

Final Results (with/without splits) - please click here.

Organiser: Simon Bowie-Britton,
Planner: Colin West
Controller: Michael Bickle (WAOC)

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